Gallerie des Modes et Costumes Français, 1782, qq 234 : Undressed in the English of tafetas.., Nicolas Dupin, 1782 Canvas Print
Woman in a 'deshabillé à l'Anglaise'. The morning ensemble is made of tafside, topped with a flat band of tulle, trimmed with pleated strips of tulle and has a very deep cleavage. On it a 'Camisolle' (short jacket) with slips, trimmed in the same way, with a over capsized collar. On the head a 'bonnet à la paysanne'. Further accessories: earring, necklace of two cords with pendant, bracelet, shoes with bow. From series qq. 40th Cahier des Costumes Français, 30th Suite d'Habillemens à la mode en 1782, Gallerie des Modes et Costumes Français
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