Journal des Dames et des Modes, editie Frankfurt 20 October 1806, Costume Parisien (43), anonymous, 1806 Canvas Print

Journal des Dames et des Modes, editie Frankfurt 20 October 1806, Costume Parisien (43), anonymous, 1806 Canvas Print

A hairstyle and several hats, numbered 1 to 10. According to the accompanying text (p. 103 and 104): Fig. 1: Hairstyle with frenized curls and pearl necklaces, seen from the front and back. Fig. 2: Capote of perkale, embroidered with blue. Fig. 3: Bonnet of white lace, topped with a blue ribbon and decorated with a flower. Fig. 4: Bonnet of lace with a purple ribbon and a flower in the same color. Fig. 5: Bonnet of lavender-colored silk, with garnish in the same color. Fig. 6: Bonnet of white muslin and a pleated ribbon, at the front a wide edge of lace; garnish with bows of white ribbon. Fig. 7: Bonnet of réseau, topped with a speckled ribbon and decorated with a garland. Fig. 8: Bonnet de soie fermé, couvert d'un réseau, front and back topped with white lace. Fig. 9: Bonnet coiffe of pleated ribbon, topped with lace and with bows of white ribbon. Fig. 10: Bonnet coiffe of blue silk and white lace. The print is part of the fashion magazine Journal des Dames et des Modes, published in Frankfurt as a copy of the French edition of Pierre de la Mésangère, (1798-1848).

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