Gallerie des Modes et Costumes Français 1776, G 40: Femme de Qualité en Deshabillé se promenant le matin (...), Etienne Claude Voysard, c. 1778 Canvas Print
Prominent woman in a 'deshabillé', walking in the morning in the countryside. The white costume is decorated with bands of painted fabric, and consists of a bodice and skirt with a drape (queue) at the back. Small shoulder jacket with hood. On the head a hat decorated with ribbons and flowers. Further accessories: collerette, long gloves, bracelet, fan, walking stick, shoes with heels and rosettes. Print from series G. 7e Cahier des Costumes Français, 1re Suite d'Habillemens de Femmes à la mode, Gallerie des Modes et Costumes Français.
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