Gallery des Modes et Costumes Français, 1786, fff 314 : Petit Maître élégant (...), A.B. Duhamel, 1786 Canvas Print
Elegant Petit-Maître in a light frak with brandebourgs, cardigan of 'taffetas des Indes' topped with small steel buttons and knee pants. The hair is curled. Pleated jabot and cuffs. Three-sided stitch (tricorne) under the arm, decorativegen on the left, breloques, shoes with square buckles. He stands in a frame, draped with ribbons. Top eight buckles to the latest fashion; at the bottom some painted and embroidered vests. Print from the series fff. 50th Cahier de Costumes Français, 44th Suite d'Habillements à la mode en 1786, Gallerie des Modes et Costumes Français.
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