Gallery of Fashions and Costumes French, nr. 28, kopie naar ee. 169(bis): Femme vetue d'un Levit (...), anonymous, 1780-1785 Canvas Print

Gallery of Fashions and Costumes French, nr. 28, kopie naar ee. 169(bis): Femme vetue d'un Levit (...), anonymous, 1780-1785 Canvas Print

Walking woman flanked by two men. She wears a plain 'Lévite' (coat dress) trimmed with a band of wrinkled tulle and a belt 'to the latest fashion', of dotted ribbon with fringes at the ends. On the hairstyle 'demie négligée' a turban or 'toque à la Levantine' with pearls and plumes or 'panaches'. The man on the left is wearing a frak, vest and knee pants, a flat-balled hat and raised edge, shoes with square buckles. He looks through binoculars and has a walking stick in his hand. The kneeling man on the right secretly gives a letter to the woman. Reduced copy to ee.169 from series ee. 29th Cahier des Costumes Francais, 7th Suite d'Habillemens à la Mode en 1780, Gallerie des Modes et Costumes Français.

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