Master Jan Slechthoofd, Frans Huys, 1546-1562 Canvas Print
In a room, Jan Slechthoofd is voting a lute. For him an old woman (Woman Long nosed) with a stringless lute in her hands. A second woman stands behind him and puts the right hand on his shoulder. With the left, she points to the doorway in which a woman with a rag in front of her eye and a stringless lute in her hands and a child appear on a hobbyhorse. Above the chimney is a print by Hans Sebald Beham with dancing peasants attached. With caption of 2 lines in Dutch: Meester Jan Slecht hoo[f]t, want to my luite versnaren... (the lute strings or the lute set = having sexual intercourse). The lute repairer replies: Ick en sal, vrou Langneuse, laet me unquelt, because ick moetse voor Modder Muijlken bewaren, die hadde haer luijte oock seer geerne gestelt. (Mud mules = tongue kissing and Modermuijlken, apparently a pet name for the young woman who stands behind the lute repairer.)
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