Soldier carrying his spear with both hands wide apart over his right shoulder, the point obliquely towards the ground (no. 12), c. 1600, Jacob de Gheyn (II) (workshop of), 1608 Canvas Print
A soldier, at his feet, carrying a skewer (lance) above his right shoulder, the tip pointed diagonally towards the ground (no. 12), c. 1600. His hands far apart around the skewer. This is the first operation for lowering the skewer to pass under an arch. Plate 12 in the instructions for handling the skewer: Corte underwysinghe on the figuerliicke imagehe belanghende trechte gebruck, of all t'ghene a Soldaet int act of the Spies noodich is. Part of the illustrations in: J. de Gheyn, Wapenhandelinghe van Roers Musquetten ende spiessen, Amsterdam, 1608. Martial being around 1600.
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