Soldier on guard covering the pan of his musket with two fingers against sparks (no. 43), c. 1600, Jacob de Gheyn (II) (workshop of), 1597 - 1608 Canvas Print
A soldier on guard, feet out, to the right, holding a musket (a certain type of firearm) with his left hand at the fork of the furket (musket fork) on which the barrel rests (no. 43), c. 1600. On the rooster (part of the ignition mechanism) of its musket lies the burning fuse. With the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, he covers the pan (the powder reservoir) of his musket to protect the gunpowder from sparks from the fuse. Plate 43 in the instructions for handling the musket: Letter enseignement, sur les pourtraitz figurez, touchant le droit maniament du Mousquet. Part of the illustrations in a French edition of J. de Gheyns Wapenhandelinghe: J. de Gheyn, Maniement d'armes, d'arquebuses, mousquetz et piques : en conformité de l'ordre de Mour le Prince Maurice, Prince d'Orange, Amsterdam 1608. Martial being around 1600.
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