Title page for the series Nova Reperta, Jan Collaert (II) (attributed to), c. 1589 - c. 1593 Canvas Print

Title page for the series Nova Reperta, Jan Collaert (II) (attributed to), c. 1589 - c. 1593 Canvas Print

Central above a cartouche with the title of the print series. Under the cartouche the printing press. At the top left is a round map of the continent of America. A half-naked young woman (e.g. New Times) with the snake Ouroboros points to North America with a pointing stick. At the top right a compass rose and an older man (e.g. Antiquity) with the snake Ouroboros. In the foreground objects that symbolize the new inventions of the sixteenth century: the silkworm, a saddle and spores, a mechanical movement, a cannon and gunpowder, a medicinal plant and distilling equipment. The print has a Latin legend and is part of a series about new inventions and discoveries.

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